Wednesday 12 June 2013

The Queen's 60th Anniversary Statue -- Coming to a Town Square Near You??

I am pleased to announce the launch of The Queen's 60th Anniversary Statue project. It is hoped that casts of The Queen's statue, one of which is currently on display at the Royal Academy's Summer Exhibition in London's Burlington House until August 2013, will grace public spaces in towns and cities across the Commonwealth. The statue has been carved by James Butler RA, one of Britain's foremost sculptors, whose work may be found across London. He also carved the Great Seal of the Realm.

This is an excellent project, which I heartily endorse. Towns and cities in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and The Queen's other realms, territories and dependencies now have the opportunity to acquire a statue of The Sovereign in much the same way as Victorian civic leaders acquired statues of their Queen (and which we can still see to this day).

To cite directly from the website:

The Aim

"HM Queen Elizabeth II’s long reign has conferred a great continuity throughout times of unprecedented change. We believe that this quality will be best represented by a statue which will be the definitive and immediately recognisable image, one which is fit to stand alongside past monarchical icons.
"Our aim is for cities, towns and institutions around the UK and in the Commonwealth to be able to endow their public spaces with a statue which will undoubtedly become a much-photographed and appreciated new landmark, and in time a familiar and much-valued centrepoint within individual local and urban settings throughout the Commonwealth.
"And at a time of great concern about public fragmentation and the need for social cohesion, the statue will represent an enduring expression of the vital role of the Queen as an impartial symbol of national unity.

The Statue

"The statue is inspired by the famous 1954 and 1969 portraits of the Queen by Pietro Annigoni. Her Majesty is shown in full Garter robes.
"The statues will be cast in 100% bronze. They will be exactly the same as the maquette and will be available in three different sizes: Half life-size, Life-size and Double life-size and prices, which, naturally may vary with the cost of metal and casting, will range from between £20,000 to £75,000 for a full preparation of cast and finishing. Please contact us directly to learn more about the pricing structure and costs.
For More Information on the statue and the project please click here to visit the Official Website: The Queen's 60th Anniversary Statue  or contact Mr. Peter Whittle:

Peter Whittle
The New Culture Forum
55 Tufton Street
London SW1P 3QL
Tel: 020-7340-6059

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