Friday 28 June 2013

London unveiling of bust of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, Colonel-in-Chief of The Royal Canadian Regiment

A bust of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, commissioned by The Royal Canadian Regiment, was unveiled at a ceremony at Canada House in London's Trafalgar Square earlier this week. The sculpture is the first bust of The Duke of Edinburgh to have been sculpted by a Canadian who has been granted private sittings with The Duke. HRH is depicted wearing his uniform as Colonel-in-Chief of The Royal Canadian Regiment, a position he has held since 1953.

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh was unable to attend the unveiling due to his ongoing convalescence at Windsor Castle. However, HRH The Duke of Kent graciously agreed to represent Prince Philip and unveil the bust. Opening remarks and greetings were made by HE Mr. Gordon Campbell, Her Majesty's Canadian High Commissioner to The United Kingdom. 

HRH The Duke of Kent unveils the bust of
HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, Colonel-in-Chief of The Royal Canadian Regiment.
L to R: Mr. Christian Corbet (sculptor), Colonel Aitchison, HRH The Duke of Kent, HE The Canadian High Commissioner
Canadian High Commissioner's Salon, Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London

Following the unveiling, the Colonel of the Regiment, Colonel W. J. Aitchison, announced that the sculptor, Mr. Christian Corbet, had been appointed the regimental "Sculptor-in-Residence". Colonel Aitchison then asked The Duke of Kent to present Mr. Corbet with the regimental tie. 

Immediately following the unveiling (and completely unrelated to it), The Canadian High Commissioner kindly presented me with The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in a short ceremony. 

HE Mr. Gordon Campbell, Canadian High Commissioner to the UK
(and former Premier of British Columbia)
presents me with
The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
Canada House, London
The bust of The Duke of Edinburgh will be taken to Canada and put on permanent display at the museum of The Royal Canadian Regiment in London, Ontario.

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