Tuesday 25 December 2012

Roundup of European Royal Christmas Messages 2012

Every Christmas, several European sovereigns and heads of royal houses broadcast Christmas messages. Europe's Royal Christmas Messages of 2012 may be viewed below.

The Christmas Message of HM The King of Spain:

The Christmas Message of HM The Queen of the Netherlands:

The Christmas Message of HM The King of the Belgians:

The Christmas Message to The Commonwealth of HM The Queen:

The Christmas Message of HM The King of Sweden:


The Christmas Message of HRH The Grand Duke of Luxembourg:

The Christmas Message of HH The Pope

The Christmas Message of HM King Michael of Romania:

The Christmas Message to the British Armed Forces of
HRH The Prince of Wales


The Christmas Message of HRH Crown Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia:

On the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the day of great joy for all Christians, I wish the citizens of Serbia and people across the world who celebrate Christmas the very best wishes from my family and myself. May everyone enjoy peace, love and happiness.
Christmas is also the time for people to come together, to give and to share and to be at peace, the time to build respect for each other that helps us all be stronger.
My family joins me in wishing all of you a peaceful and Happy Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2013.
Peace on Earth and goodwill for all!
Christ is born!
Alexander wikipedia wikipedia Rafe

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