Wednesday 29 September 2010

Polish Order of Malta Volunteers Annual Ball -- 007 at the Saville Club

The Polish Order of
Malta Volunteers
request the pleasure of your company at
The 007 Ball
in aid of
The Poznan Appeal
Saturday 5th March 2011
The Savile Club
69 Brook Street

7.30pm Champagne Reception
8.00pm Dinner
10.00pm Auction
10.30pm Casino & Dancing
2.00am Carriages
RSVP Joanna Meeson
07947 048766
Tickets £150
(£125 before 1st Feb)

Bond Characters
White or Black Tie & Decorations

The Earl of St Andrews
General The Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank
Joanna Meeson
Vice Chairman
Monika Bojarska

Clara Andersson
Rafal Heydel Mankoo
Silke Lohmann
Catherine Vereker

Social Committee
Eduardo & Alexandra de Aranda Godlewski   Lalage Barran
Candice Berrier Plater  James Bland
Philip Bujak Edward and Aurea Connolly
Joanna Dabrowska  Michel Dembinski
Alexandra Fudakowska Stefan Kosciuszko
James Lewis Kasia Madera
Anna Maria McKeever Oskar Milczarek Mele
Robert Morrisson Atwater  Afsaneh Moshiri
Nicolas Moussette  Cezary Pietraszik
Zigmunt Sikorski Mazur Przemyslaw Skwirczynski
Andrew Visnevski 

The Work of the Polish Order of Malta Volunteers (London)

Founded before 1099, the Order of Malta is the world’s oldest International Hospitaller Order working to help the poor and the sick. Today the Order is a major global organisation providing care for the chronically disabled and disadvantaged.

With assistance from the Volunteers, over 80,000 permanent volunteers and 11,000 doctors and nurses support the Order’s work. Projects of the Polish Association include a first aid and ambulance corps, social centres for street children as well as a variety of medical and aid centres for the physically and mentally challenged. Last year the Knights were able to open a Centre in Krakow for the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. This Centre, which is fully active and highly successful, is now the largest centre of its kind in Europe. 

The Order remains very dependant on funds from outside Poland and consequently in 2007 the Polish Order of Malta Volunteers (London) was set up to support the Order and continue its fundraising efforts. Our group has constantly grown over the years and our events have become more dynamic. It’s thanks to the efforts of the Volunteers that we are able to embark upon an ambitious fundraising project.

The POMV is now raising money to rebuild and modernise Poznan’s Oncological Out-Patient clinic. Each year, the clinic’s 60 volunteers diagnose and treat, at no charge, over 5000 patients. Medical departments include oncology, gynaecology, radiology, internal medicine, cardiology, pulmonary medicine, psychiatry, surgery and path morphology. In order to rebuild and provide equipment for the building we need to raise £1,300,000. It would be wonderful if the POMV could achieve this! To date we have raised tens of thousands of pounds. This was fantastic but we still have a long way to go. Your support would be extremely valuable and is greatly appreciated. Any cheques with donations to the Polish Knights of Malta can be made payable to “APKM (UK)”, (Reg. Charity No. 1102122).

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